

Hear from top anglers as they cover a diverse range of topics.

All presentations will take place inside the Acme Brick building.

European-Style Nymph Fishing

Time: 9:00AM-9:50AM

In the 1980s euro nymphing methods made an appearance in world competitions, and has since developed into various varieties and specialized techniques and rigging. Euro nymphing is much different than what we typically see in the USA. It has proven to be superior on the world stage and we westerners are slowly catching up. Depth control and attainment is the primary goal and what makes this so effective. Getting in the strike zone and staying there for extended time gets more takes.

Presenter: Donavan Clary

Fly Fishing for Guadalupe Bass and Rio Grande Cichlids

Time: 10:00AM-10:50AM

The Lone Star State is home to an impressive array of fish. However, there are two iconic species that have long captured the hearts of fly anglers across the state – the Guadalupe Bass and the Rio Grande Cichlid. Guadalupe Bass, the State Fish of Texas, are found only in the Hill Country of Texas and historically were solely a stream-dwelling fish. They differ in behavior from other endemic bass species and have an attitude as big as Texas. Guadalupe Bass are one of Texas’ premiere fly rod fish. Rightfully so, as they often take a fly with reckless abandon and regularly jump when hooked! Chris will cover a variety of topics regarding the species including: their life history, their present status, behavior traits, popular Guadalupe Bass fishing destinations, effective fly patterns, presentation techniques, and current conservation efforts. The Rio Grande Cichlid is possibly the most unique native fish in the State of Texas. “Rios” as they are often called, have no other relative in the United States, making them the only native cichlid in the entire country. They are often misunderstood by fly anglers and very little research has been done on the species from a biological perspective. As a result, we still have much to learn about Rios and how to effectively target them throughout the year. Chris has fished for Rio Grande Cichlids for nearly 30 years but has specifically dedicated the last 8 years of his personal fly fishing in Texas to the species. This presentation is designed to equip anglers with a better understanding of the Rio Grande Cichlid’s dietary habits, seasonal movements, preferred fly patterns, and the rivers that they call home. Whether you are trying to catch your very first Guadalupe Bass or Rio Grande Cichlid or you simply want to expand your species knowledge, this presentation is sure to help you in your personal pursuit of two of Texas’ most revered native fish!

Presenter: Chris Johnson

Topwater Bass Techniques on Texas Rivers

Time: 11:00AM-11:50AM

There’s nothing quite like the adrenaline rush and the visual spectacle that bass exploding on topwater flies provides to an angler. We are fortunate to have not only a plentiful amount of bass in our Texas waterways but also to have a wide variety of river topography, water clarity, and structure types that lets us use a number of different topwater techniques. Chase has spent years fishing the Texas rivers and spends an inordinate amount of time fishing and designing topwater flies. This presentation will cover the topwater flies he typically uses, the different types of action and when/how to use them, how to rig up an effective topwater/subsurface combination, and includes a ton of footage of the flies being put to use on Texas rivers.

Presenter: Chase Smith

Fly Fishing the Spring White Bass Run

Time: 12:00PM-12:50PM

The Texas white bass run is steeped in tradition, and it’s usually the first time of the new year most Texans start fishing in earnest. Spring brings warmer temps, blooming trees and flowers, and in general, a renewal of life all around. It’s at this time that the millions of white bass in Texas reservoirs begin their spawning journey up the creeks and rivers flowing into them. It’s also at this time, countless Texans dust off their fly rods and head to the rivers to partake in some of the finest fly fishing action this state has to offer. Pat Vanek, of Bosque Valley Fly Fishing, has spent  countless hours on the water pursuing white bass with a fly rod, and has learned, mostly the hard way, and with the helpful advice of other expert fly anglers, how to successfully find and catch white bass as they travel upstream to spawn. Someone once said that white bass are the “perfect fly rod fish”, if not, they are close. Although they can be caught on flies in slow, deep pools, a favorite way to target them is in crystal clear, skinny, flowing water. Most times in this scenario, you can see the fish take the fly! This presentation will share basic and advanced fly fishing skills that will help fine tune your approach and increase your success on our Texas streams when the redbuds and blue bonnets are in bloom, and the white bass make their annual migrations upstream.

Presenter: Pat Vanek

Lake Fly-Fishing for Bass, Stripers, Hybrids, and White Bass

Time: 1:00PM-1:50PM

Learn about flies, techniques, line types and other equipment for fly fishing for largemouth bass, striper, hybrids and white bass year round. Grahame will discus his proven approach which will allow you to fly fish year round on our Texas Lakes.

Presenter: Grahame Jones

Urban Fly Fishing Dallas - Fort Worth

Time: 2:00PM-2:50PM

Join Greg as he walks us through several chapters from his new book. From identifying (and avoiding!) poison ivy, to tips and tricks about how to catch more fish in the creeks of DFW, to an overview of fly fishing Big Fossil Creek, there is sure to be valuable information in this presentation for fly anglers of all experience levels.

Presenter: Greg DeMars