Fly Tying Area

Fly Tying Area

In addition to structured lessons, there will be other fly-tying observations taking place. Feel free to come and go and mingle through the demonstration area to learn about various tying patterns.

Underspin Bluegill

Time: 9:00AM-9:50AM

The bluegill underspin is a weedless bass streamer that perfectly imitates a bluegill. It has a gold willow blade that dances on the fall and on the retrieve of the fly, triggering aggressive strikes!

Presenter: Michael Rios

Pat’s Ghost Minnow 

Time: 10:00AM-10:50AM

The Pat’s Ghost Minnow, like most good fly patterns, was born out of necessity, to solve a problem. A few central Texas streams I fish during the Spring white bass spawning run, flow crystal clear. In water that clear, white bass can be very difficult to catch, as they usually can see the angler quite well, and thus are very spooky. While the fly cannot help with an angler being stealthy, it looks so much like a translucent ghost minnow (Inland Silverside), that the white bass will eat it in those difficult conditions when other flies and conventional lures scare them into the depths. As mentioned, the Pat’s Ghost Minnow is designed to mimic an Inland Silverside minnow, common in our central Texas streams. The ghost minnow has long been a favorite for bait fisherman for good reason, the white bass eat them, seemingly with reckless abandon. Ghost minnows are a very pale and translucent olive / tan on their backs and part of their bellies. The other distinguishing features are a flashy pearl belly patch and a distinct silver line down their sides. The Pat’s Ghost Minnow is tied with synthetic materials that are very translucent in the water, and match the coloration very closely. Sparse flash, along with a distinct pearl belly patch also help seal the deal for picky fish in clear water. While the fly was designed initially for white bass, it has become a favorite of Texas fly fishers for bass, sunfish, and just about anything else that eats baitfish. As an added bonus, it works amazingly well on coastal speckled trout under dock lights at night, when the trout are chasing glass minnows and translucent shrimp.

Presenter: Pat Vanek

The Big Hitter Baitfish

Time: 11:00AM-11:50AM

When I first started tying, I had no idea what I was doing and bought a ton of bargain hooks that were 90degree bent 3xl streamer hooks that turned out to mostly be suitable for just the barr’s meat whistle fly, which I got really good at tying and I like the big hitter baitfish because it’s similar to that but the 60 degree jig hook is a little beefier, and the bend makes for a better hook up ratio in my opinion. Plus the color patterns are pretty limitless with all of the things they do with rabbit and squirrel zonker strips now. This is a great all around sub surface pattern that can be fished as a streamer or bounced along the bottom as a traditional jig. 

Presenter: Katie Cowen

Johnson's Mimic Mouse

Time: 12:00PM-12:50PM

Umpqua Signature Tier Chris Johnson will walk you through process of tying one of his newest creations – Johnson’s Mimic Mouse. This mouse pattern was designed to swim true, exude realism, and elicit violent strikes from a wide variety of predatory fish.

The Mimic Mouse was originally created to be a downsized rodent pattern for creeks and streams. The fly can easily be cast on light weight fly rods and is every bit at home in the rivers of Texas being fished for bass as it is fishing for large trout in the Mountain West.

The pattern is not an overly complex tie, requires few materials, is incredibly buoyant, and gets the job done on the water! Come learn how to tie the Mimic Mouse and learn how to fish it on a body of water near you!

Presenter: Chris Johnson

Hellgrammite GameChanger

Time: 1:00PM-1:50PM

The Hellgrammite Changer is a multi-articulated fly that absolutely exudes fishy aura that bass and a whole bunch of other species just cannot resist. Loads of legs, tons of movement, realistic profile – the Hellgrammite Changer gets down to the bottom fast and dances madly until it gets snapped up by the nearest predator. In this tying demonstration, Chase will show you how to use the Chocklett Factory kit to make this fly, including making your own shanks and brushes, the best adhesives to use with the tabs, and all the other techniques that go into this fly and can be used in any other type of Gamechanger. 

Presenter: Chase Smith

Rubber Leg Jiggy Bugger

Time: 2:00PM-2:50PM

Size Range from 12-8, Modified wooly Bugger for the Mountain Fork River

Presenter: Chris Schatte